Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
Minutes for January 6, 2025 Meeting
Members present: Chair Robin Marra, Richard Marshall, Carole Beckwith, Beth Lorenz, Alternates Amanda Blicharz and Pam Troccia, Director Cindi Beede
- Call to Order – 5:30 pm
- Approval of minutes of the December 2, 2024 meeting – Motion to approve, Richard/Seconded Beth; unanimous approval by all present
- Approval of the manifest – Approved by all present
- Chair’s Report – The Chair noted that the filing period for Town offices begins on January 22nd and ends on January 31st . 3-year terms for Library Trustee – currently held by Beth and Richard – will be on the ballot.
- Library Director’s Report
- December circulation was 2056, down by about 10% compared to this time last year; 10 adult programs and 12 children’s programs were held with a total attendance of 337; space was provided for 3 meetings with 59 attendees, and patron attendance in the building for the month was 912.
- The Town Budget Hearing is February 5th at 7 pm. The checking account has been very low for the past two months and it has affected our purchasing ability. It turns out, though, that at the end of the year we are owed more than $17,000 from the Town. In addition, the Town withheld our regular $3,000 check for most of the month of December. Cindi suggests we may want to consider taking more than $3,000 per month; this could alleviate some of the fiscal stress at the end of the year.
- Kate is working two days a week to help out and train the new Director. Richard Mays was told by the Town that he turned his timesheet in too late (he didn’t) and wouldn’t be paid from the 2024 budget. This means an unanticipated $1,500 will have to be taken out of the 2025 budget. Cindi proposes that Richard submit his timesheet on a quarterly basis from now on. There was some disagreement with the Town over holiday hours surrounding Christmas.
- Cindi’s three-session training for new Library Directors begins on January 27.
- Cindi plans to advertise for an Assistant and asks the Trustees if it should be a Library Assistant or an Assistant Director – and the Trustees emphatically endorse the latter.
- Cindi has been notified by the Town that no additional insurance coverage and/or security upgrades will be needed once the collection is on display.
- The toilet in the staff bathroom needs a new flushing kit and Richard Mays is working on it. Joanne Everson has been using her personal vacuum these past few weeks; Cindi will purchase a new one once the balance of unused 2024 funds have been released to us.
- The Friends are still receiving donations from their Annual Appeal and the numbers to date have exceeded last year’s totals.
- Cindi directed the Trustees to the list of upcoming events in her report.
- Old Business
- 2025 Budget – Robin and Richard briefed the Trustees on their meeting before the Budget Committee on December 5th. Both felt it went well; the Committee was particularly impressed with the thoroughness of our budget as well as supplementary materials regarding a budget overview and building usage for programs and meetings.
- Library Trusts and Accounts – Richard distributed and reviewed a comprehensive list of the trusts and accounts held by the Library.
- Open House update – the Open House is scheduled for February 8, 2025 (12 – 2 pm). Several trustees volunteered to explore options for music. If necessary a Special Meeting can be called if we receive competing bids. Amanda has created a SignUpGenius website for people to indicate what items they will bring to the Open House.
- Elevator repairs – the door to the elevator has been locking, so Cindi will find out who to contact and get an estimate of repair costs.
- New Business
- Review/revision of Bylaws – Robin noted that no changes were needed at this time. Given the relative durability of the bylaws he suggested to move the review from an annual to a triennial schedule. The Trustees were in agreement with this change.
- 2nd Floor painting – Caleb Massin has submitted a quote of $2,400 to complete the painting upstairs. Motion to approve, Richard/Seconded Beth; unanimous approval by all present.
- Long-Range Plan – Richard distributed an annotated version of the long-range plan (2025-26 Update Possibilities). Owing to the lack of time it was decided that this would be the major agenda item for the February meeting.
- Ongoing Business (e.g., Friends of the Library; Buildings & Grounds) and/or announcements – none.
- Date/time for next meeting will be March 3, 2025 @ 5:30 pm
- Adjournment at 6:42 pm; Beth moved to adjourn/Richard seconded; Unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted:
Carole Beckwith, Vice Chair and Acting Secretary
January 7, 2025