Upcoming Kid’s Events:
Wednesday Afternoons at the Library (for grades 1-6) are happening every Wednesday from 3:45 to 4:45. Kids can take the bus from Emerson School. Come enjoy a snack and make a craft! Registration required! Call (603-585-6503) or email us (info@fitzlib.org) to sign up. Next Wed, Mar. 26, we will be making grassheads!
Time of Event
Join us for Pre-K Storytime every Wednesday at 10:30! Storytime is a beneficial way for children to socialize (parents too!) while gaining literary proficiency and learning new skills. Children who are read to are statistically proven to do better in school. Give your child a jumpstart on success in life!
Time of Event
1st and 3rd Saturdays Kids, come practice your skills and Read to Milo! Milo is a trained, certified therapy dog who loves a good book. He's patient and a great listener-perfect for those who are beginning readers or struggling to do so, or really anyone!
Time of Event
Upcoming Teen’s Events:
Upcoming Adult’s Events:
"Percival Everett [is] our current Great American Novelist. . . [JAMES] is a masterpiece that will help redefine one of the classics of American literature, while also being a major achievement on its own. . . I almost cannot imagine a future where teachers assign The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn without also assigning James alongside it. . . Everett is one of the most, if not the most interesting writers working today.” —The Chicago Tribune