— Trustee Minutes – January 2, 2023

Minutes of the Meeting

Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees

2 January, 2023

Present:  Trustees Robin Marra, Richard Marshall, Beth Lorenz, Carole Beckwith (via Zoom), Pam Troccia and Kate Thomas, Library Director; Alternate Trustees Nancy Fey-Yensan and Brian Doerpholz.  Jeff Craig of the Fitzwilliam Board of Selectmen, Justin Killeen, Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Fitzwilliam and Dana Pinney, Fitzwilliam citizen were also in attendance.

Robin Marra called the meeting to order at 5:45 in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The minutes of the December 5, 2022 meeting were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Beth Lorenz, seconded by Carole Beckwith and adopted unanimously.

The manifest was reviewed and approved by all Trustees physically present.

Under the Chair’s report, Robin Marra indicated that the Board of Selectmen had expressed an interest to tour the building, most importantly the second floor.  The Selectmen and Justin Killeen have been touring all the Town buildings to have a better understanding of what repairs need to be done and the urgency of those repairs. Some of the Trustees, Jeff Craig, Justin Killeen and Dana Pinney toured the building and grounds, making note of the ceiling in the Directors office, wall and ceiling repairs needed in the DVD room, water in the basement that is coming in through the bulkhead and the work that may have to be done to the second floor to be able to use it for more community minded events.  It was also noted that some of the bricks in the walkway near the front door were coming up and could become a hazard for the patrons. The current CIP request is specifically for an assessment to be done on the proposed second floor renovation.  Kate discussed the copper snowbelt and drip edge that will need to be replaced and has received a quote from A. L. Johnson and Son Roofing in the amount of $18,340.00.  The Selectmen’s office will provide the library with a list of vendors that have been used for town building repairs so that the Trustees may reach out for additional quotes on repairs needed to the Library building.

Under the Director’s report, Kate detailed an increase in circulation for December, up 15%, as compared to last year and that total patron’s attendance for December was 847.  The Friends annual appeal has raised $4,331 to date, just shy of last year’s total.

Under Old Business, the final edits to the Locke Collection booklet are being done and the booklet will be ready for the Town meeting.  It is intended that the canoe will be the first item to be displayed and should be ready by the end of February.  Carole Beckwith has offered to assist Kate with that project.

Still Under Old Business, Richard Marshall gave the Trustees a summary of the December 22nd meeting with the CIP Committee.  The current CIP request is in the amount of $20,000.00 that will be used to assess the structural integrity of the second floor and the scope of work needed to turn it into habitable space. Richard also noted that a representative of NBT Bank will be present at the February meeting of the Trustees to discuss their investment recommendations. 

Under New Business, Nancy Fey-Yensan presented an update on the status of the ALA grant proposal.  The grant monies are to be used to make small/rural libraries more accessible to the community.  They are in the amount of $10,000.00 or $20,000.00 and will be available by 6/1/2023.  Nancy is working with Kate to have the proposal completed and sent in when due, by the end of February, and will propose the money be used to purchase automatic doors for the entryway of the Library. 

Brian Doerpholz made a motion, at 6:57 p.m., under RSA 91-A:3, II (a) – Personnel – to move to a non-public session.  The motion was seconded by Beth Lorenz and approved by roll call of all Trustees present.  At 7:53 p.m.  a motion was made by Pam Troccia to leave the non-public session return to a public session.  The motion was seconded by Carole Beckwith and approved by roll call of all Trustees present.  Brian Doerpholz made a motion to seal the minutes of the non-public session.  Richard Marshall seconded the motion and by a roll call of all Trustees, the motion was approved.

As there were no other announcements or new business, the next Trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, February 6, 2023 at 5:45, with Zoom access available. 

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m. was made by Beth Lorenz, seconded by Richard Marshall and unanimously adopted.  

Respectfully submitted.

Pam Troccia
