— Trustee Minutes – January 3, 2022

Minutes of the Meeting

Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees

3 January, 2022

Present:  Trustees Robin Marra, Trish Toomey, Pam Troccia and Kate Thomas, Library Director; Alternate Trustees Brian Doerpholz and Cathie Talbert.  Richard Marshall, representing the Long -Range Planning Committee, was also in attendance.

Robin Marra called the meeting to order at 5:47 in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library. Cathie Talbert and Trish Toomey were present via Zoom. 

The minutes of the December 6, 2021 meeting were reviewed.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Brian Doerpholz and seconded by Pam Troccia.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

The manifest was reviewed and signed by all Trustees present.

The Chair discussed the need to fill a Trustee vacancy as Trish Toomey has informed the Board that she will not be running for re-election.  Robin suggested that the information be included in the next newsletter of the Library.  Kate will continue to approach individuals she feels would be good candidates for the position.

Kate reviewed the Library Directors report and Expenses to Date. Circulation for December was 1,362, down 8.5% for the month. There were nine adult programs and six children’s programs presented, with a total attendance of 98.  Continuing Covid cases at Emerson School have kept program attendance low.  Kate’s new computer is up and running and the others should be installed within the next few weeks.

The Trustees continued the discussion of the draft of the Long-Range Plan.  It was noted that not all Trustees have had the opportunity to email Richard with thoughts and/or additions to the Plan and will endeavor to do that as soon as possible.  One of the goals of the Plan is to increase the community and area’s awareness of the Library’s resources and services.  Working with the Emerson School to inform more children, and parents, of those resources and services that may not be available to them at the school library, would be one way to do that.  The discussion centered around making library books available at the school, informing the students and staff of new books and services offered through a newsletter and providing the tools to navigate the online catalog offered on the Library’s website.  Brian Doerpholtz mentioned that the Recreation Department will reach out to the Library staff to discuss plans for the Summer Reading and Recreation programs.  A “Bring your Children to the Library” event has been planned for the 1st weekend in February, with raffles and prizes being offered.

The Locke Collection committee has been working to find the proper items to be put on display at the Library soon.  Conversations continue as to how some of the more fragile items will need to be displayed and the type of additional security that will be needed.  While working out the finer details, the Committee may put together some pictures of the collection with detailed information on the item, that can be on a dais for patrons to look through as they observe the collection items on display.  A CIP in the amount of $5,000.00, to create a Locke Collection Expendable Trust, has been submitted by the Library.  This request encompasses the need for additional display cases, security and consultations with experts to determine the best way to preserve and present the Locke Collection to the community.

The family of former Library Trustee, Rita Nirenberg, contacted the Library to discuss a memorial bequest.  Not only a Trustee, Rita was involved in many projects at the Library, like the fundraising for the Library addition, and was an invaluable part of the Library family.  The Trustees have determined that a plaque commemorating Rita and her accomplishments, will be displayed in the Library.  Kate will be contacting family members for additional information.  This request brought up the discussion on possibly amending the Gift Policy of the Library.  Robin Marra will provide a draft to the Trustees for review. 

Robin Marra brought forth a motion to change Article XI, Order of Business, of the Trustee By Laws.  After review by the Trustees, a motion to approve the changes was made by Brian Doerpholz and seconded by Pam Troccia.  The motion was approved by all Trustees.

Beth Lorenz was unavailable to give an update on Building and Grounds but it was noted that caps for the railing posts on the porch are on back order.  Kate reported that the holiday Giving Tree sponsored by the Friends of the Library was a success and that several individuals picked up the tags that had not been taken by the deadline and purchased the remaining books.  The annual fundraising request by the Friends seems to be on track to match the total raised for 2021.

Under other business, Kate announced that a 4 ft by 6 ft chalk board for town announcements has been ordered.  Once at the library, all town residents will be able to post events, happenings, etc. 

The need for the annual review of town employees was discussed.  It was determined that an interim review of the Executive Director will be held in February of each year and a full review will be scheduled for August of each year.  This will enable any step increases and raises to be finalized in time to submit the Library budget to the Town for the upcoming year.

As no other business or announcements were brought forth for discussion, the next Trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, February 7, 2022 at 5:45, with Zoom access available.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 p.m. was made by Brian Doerpholz and seconded by Pam Troccia. The motion was approved by all Trustees.

Respectfully submitted.

Pam Troccia
