— Trustee Minutes – October 7, 2024

Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees

Minutes for October 7, 2024 Meeting

Members present: Chair Robin Marra, Richard Marshall, Carole Beckwith, Alternates Amanda Blicharz and Pam Troccia, Director Kate Thomas and Assistant Director Cindi Beede  

  1. Call to Order – 5:32 pm
  1. Approval of minutes of the September 9, 2024 meeting- Motion to approve, Richard/Seconded Pam; unanimous approval by all present
  1. Approval of the manifest – Approved by all present
  1. Chair’s Report 

Cindi briefed the Trustees on the non-appearance of the Library page in the Newsletter – and noted that she had also received an apology!

  1. Library Director’s Report
    1. Circulation was 1641, down by 3% as compared to this time last year; again this does not include the Newsbank numbers as they are not available; it is estimated that the difference would be closed by these numbers;  12 adult programs and 10 children’s programs were held with a total attendance of 283; space was provided for 5 meetings with 49 attendees and patron attendance in the building for the month was 1107, lower than the previous month
    2. The Budget Committee (Director, Assistant Director, Chair and Treasurer) has met and is actively working on the budget.
    3. Veronika has been working here for one year and is due for an evaluation.
    4. Would like to start advertising for a part-time position (10-15 hours), anticipating a possible shortfall in hours starting in November.  Motion by Richard/Seconded Pam to authorize advertising for such a position; unanimous approval by all present.  
    5. Cases for the Locke collection have been ordered.  
    6. More progress in library improvements has occurred: the electrician has completed his work on the second floor; and Ben has begun his work there, though the need for a push bar on the fire door is more expensive than he originally thought (approx. $400).
    7. The Friends are preparing to mail out their Annual Appeal.
    8. We have adopted a cow through a program offered by Discover Dairy; we will be able to follow the calf throughout the year with suggested programming and updates on her throughout the year.
    9. Tweens & Teens begins on Mon. Oct. 21, 6:30 – 8; we are planning this as a monthly program.
    10. Cindi met with the Historical Society about the book drop (copper and yellow shingles).
    11. Upcoming event: Wed. Oct. 23, 7 pm – Real Clothes, Real Lives with Prof. Kiki Smith. 
  1. Old Business
  1. Richard briefed the Trustees on his meeting (Sept. 26) with the CIP Committee; he noted that all three Selectmen were present along with Andrew Wood (Budget Committee) and Josh Joslyn (Planning Board).  He felt the committee was very receptive to our request to make the bathroom doors accessible; and their was lengthy discussion about what to do with the brick sidewalk.
  1. Review of Collection Development policy.  Carole suggested the sections on Patron Responsibility and Challenged Materials could be worded positively.  Pam moved/Richard seconded these changes; unanimous approval by all present. 
  1. Lighting.  Cindi and Kate reviewed the proposal from Tattersall Electric for lighting the “Craft Room” as well as in the main library.  After much discussion it was decided to proceed, pending clarification from Chris Tattersall, with the Wall Light Fixture ($2,367.00) and Recessed Lighting ($1,060.00) in the “Craft Room” (aka the Quick Room).  Richard moved/Pam seconded these purchases pending clarification by Tattersall; unanimous approval by all present.
  1. New Business
  1. Library savings accounts at TD Bank

Richard noted that we currently have two savings accounts with TD Bank.  One has a balance of $4,677.14 and the other $4.06 as of 10/5/24.  He recommended consolidating the two accounts.  Richard moved/Amanda seconded that TD Bank account xxxx339542 be closed and its $4.06 balance be transferred to TD Bank account xxxx384331; unanimous approval by all present.  

  1. Ongoing Business (e.g., Friends of the Library; Buildings & Grounds) and/or announcements
    1. The Director announced she has 6 longhair kittens for the taking.
  1. Date/time for next meeting will be November 4, 2024 @ 5:30 pm
  1. The Chair announced a 15-minute recess at 6:30 pm
  1. At 6:45 pm Amanda moved/Richard seconded that under RSA 91-A:3, II(b) we move into a nonpublic session for the purpose of Personnel.  Approved by a roll call of all Trustees present.
  1. At 7:36 pm Richard moved/Carole seconded to leave the nonpublic session and return to a public session; approved by all Trustees present.
  1. At 7:37 pm Pam moved/Amanda seconded that the minutes of the nonpublic session be sealed.  Approved by a roll call of all Trustees present.
  1. Adjournment at 7:38 pm; Richard moved to adjourn/Carole seconded; Unanimously approved.

Respectfully submitted:

Robin Marra, Interim Amanuensis