Trustee Minutes – July 2, 2018

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
2 July 2018

Present:  Barbara Green, Richard Mays, Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, Trish Toomey (alternate) and Library Director Kate Thomas

Nick Noyes called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and the Library Expenses Spreadsheet.

The minutes of the June 4th Trustee meeting were reviewed; Nick put forth a motion, seconded by Richard Mays, that the minutes be approved.  Motion carried.

Kate Thomas presented the Library Director’s report.  June proved to be a very successful month with 252 people attending 23 programs and circulation of materials up 1% (compared to the month of June 2017). Kate stated that the Summer Reading Program has gotten off to a wonderful start with over 50 children attending the first Wednesday morning program.  She encouraged the Trustees to attend the opening of Bill Barefoot’s art show Saturday, July 7th at 10 AM.

Nick announced that Dick Goettle has deposited the matured Certificate of Deposit into the Massin Fund Savings Account (total: $5,280.21).

On behalf of the Board of Trustees, Nick thanked the Friends of the Library for their purchase and installation of the bicycle rack.

The Trustees reviewed and approved the Investment Policy. 

In anticipation of preparing a proposal for the CIP Committee (September-October), the Trustees discussed the recommended cost-saving measures provided by Eversource during its energy audit November-December 2017.  Ann McEntee suggested that the insulation of the library’s second-floor ceiling be the top priority.  Discussion ensued.  Richard suggested the installation of a hung ceiling using insulated panels.  Kate recommended procuring bids for both insulating the ceiling, which would leave the beams exposed, and a hung ceiling, which would not.  Richard agreed to call contractors.

As the discussion continued Ann asked about the age and condition of the water heater and expressed concern about deferred maintenance (and the additional cost that such deferrals incur).  Water heater replacement costs run approximately $900-1,000, including installation.  Richard suggested wrapping the heater for the time being.  Additional items, including spray foam insulation in the older part of the building and weather-stripping for all exterior doors, were discussed.  Nick and Richard agreed to meet to reprioritize Eversource’s list. Discussion will continue at the August meeting.

Richard requested a check for $247.50 (50% deposit) for the construction of the Library’s new sign.  The total amount ($495) does not cover the cost of a post and the hardware needed to hang the sign.  A discussion about the location of the new sign transpired.  Richard would like to place it midway between the end of the fence (parking lot) and the fence opening that leads to the Library’s front porch.  No consensus was reached.  Nick informed the Trustees that Dick agreed to help Richard install the post and hang the sign.

Richard reported that he has repaired the edge of the front porch with a steel angle bracket.  He asked that the Trustees hire a stone mason to re-lay the bricks adjacent to the library’s entrance.  Over the past year, the bricks have heaved and shifted.  The subgrade material needs to be regraded and bricks re-laid.  Ann will set up an appointment with Mike Given (Given Masonry, Jaffrey) to assess the work and prepare a bid.

Ann and Kate presented the minutes from their review of the Library’s 5-year Long-Range Plan, 2016-2021 (June 13th).   Ann and Kate strongly suggested that the Library hire a consultant to develop a logo and brand for the Library (Goal #6).  The Trustees agreed to add a line item in the 2019 budget for consulting services; Kate will contact Coni Porter for a bid.   The Trustees agreed that Goal #17 (make funding sources easier to understand) should be presented on the Library’s website.  Barbara Green suggested that we review eachof the 17 goals  individually, and it was agreed that the discussion of the Long-Range Plan will be continued at the September board meeting.

The next Trustee meeting was set for Monday, August 6th, 2018 at 5:30 PM.

Ann put forth a motion, seconded by Barbara and Trish Toomey (simultaneously), to adjourn the meeting at 6:50 PM.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee
