Trustee Minutes – July 6, 2015

Present: J. Nicholas Noyes, Gail P. Landy, Richard Mays, Dick Goettle, Nancy Woodward(alternate), Director Kate Thomas

Absent: Barbara Green

The meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm by Chairman Noyes.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the manifest.

Dick Goettle moved and Nick Noyes seconded the motion that the minutes of the June 1, 2-15 meeting be approved as distributed. Motion passed.

Dick Goettle moved and Richard Mays seconded the motion the at the minutes of the June 3,2015 nonpublic meeting be approved as read. Motion passed.

A Draft 3 of the Meeting Rooms Policy including the room occupancy limits was distributed. Nancy Woodward moved and Dick Goettle seconded the motion to accept Draft 3. Motion passed. Kate will add the library graphic to the Request for Use form and will post it with the policy on the library website.

Kate presented a one-page version of the Art Show Policy and Guidelines that she and Barbara Green had prepared. Content remains the same. Gail Landy moved and Nick Noyes seconded acceptance of the new form. Motion passed.

The replacement window is on order for the roof project with a cost of $893.45. Ben Thomas has been in contact with roofer Barry Johnson and the project is expected to be completed before the first snow this Fall. Richard Mays moved and Dick Goettle seconded the motion that $2000 be requested from the Marguerite Davis Fund to pay project expenses not included in the Capital Improvements money. Motion passed.

Nancy Woodward reported that a survey is to be given to young adults attending library programs this summer. This extra survey was deemed necessary due to small representation from this age group in the earlier survey. Kate reported that the writing of the text for the plan is underway.

The quarterly report on investments was deferred to August due to the June statements just being made available to the Treasurer.

August 3, 2015 is the date of the next meeting although 2 Trustees will not be available to meet.
Dick Goettle volunteered to work on a new evaluation form for the Library Director.

Kate reported that circulation was back on track with and increase of 5% over last year and 40% over 2013’s circulation. She will be scheduling the exterminators. Weeding continues in the fiction collection and is up to letter “P”.

Four up-coming programs were discussed with the Trustees. Kate will discuss a possible rescheduling of one that falls on same date as Antique Show.

The Trustees voted to go into a non-public session at 6:28pm(Moved by Richard Mays, seconded by Dick Goettle ) and returned to public session at 6:45pm at which time the Trustee approved the minutes of the non—public session and adjourned the public session at 6:50pm

Respectfully submitted

Gail P. Landy