Trustee Minutes – March 5, 2018

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
5 March 2018

Present:  Dick Goettle, Richard Mays, Ann McEntee, Nick Noyes, Susan Curtin (alternate) and Library Director Kate Thomas

Nick Noyes called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and the Library Expenses Spreadsheet.  Kate Thomas reported that the library has yet to receive the February budget allotment from the Town Office.  Dick Goettle suggested that we prepare a request that monthly allotments to the library arrive no later than the 5th-7th of each month.

Nick put forth a motion to approve the February 5th minutes, seconded by Richard Mays.  Motion passed.

Dick announced that the Trustees of the Marguerite Davis Trust have withdrawn $441.45 from the 2017 funds for library building maintenance.

Ann McEntee raised the topic of promotional programming of the library during National Library Week, April 8th-14th.  She suggested hosting a program that would present the social, intellectual, and financial benefits that the library offers.  She shared with the trustees the Library Value Calculator available through the NHLTA, which could serve as the basis of the program.  Susan Curtin recommended inserting a flyer in the monthly Newsletter and volunteered to contact Terri Robbitts about the cost.  Dick suggested a flyer that would provide an abbreviated cost-benefit analysis, which could be handed out at the annual Town Meeting March 13th, 2018.

Ann volunteered to prepare an invitation to real estate brokers who show properties in Fitzwilliam.  Such an invitation might prompt them to bring prospective buyers to the library to observe children’s activities or an adult program already in progress, enjoy a cup of coffee on a Saturday morning, and get a sense of the library’s ambience.

Ann also suggested that the Trustees review the five-year, long-range plan now that we are approaching the plan’s halfway point (June 2018).  Nick agreed to send out several dates for those interested in reviewing the plan.

The Trustees reviewed the grievance policy, and given the number of changes, Nick will provide a revised draft at the April meeting.

Kate reported that she spoke with a representative from Eversource who informed her that the library does not qualify for an energy rebate.  She also reported that it will cost $7,000 to convert all the lighting to LED bulbs.  It was agreed that as lights burn out, they will be replaced with LED bulbs.

Nick reported that the Locke Committee met with the certified art appraiser Scott Rodolitz, on February 8th, 2018 to examine the collection; Scott has agreed to appraise the items, and Nick anticipates a written appraisal by the end of March.

Kate reported that Ben Thomas repaired the sliding door.  Richard requested that Kate ask Ben for directions, including the tool used, for the repair so that the information may be placed in the library’s repair and maintenance book.

Richard will call John Greer Electrical to schedule a service call to repair the light fixtures in Kate’s office and the Christmas tree/book sale alcove.

The Trustees reviewed the Librarian’s Report.  Circulation is up 6% for the month of February (compared to February 2017). The library hosted 24 programs, and 191 people attended.  The number of patrons visiting the library during the month was 1,327.

Kate presented the Friends of the Library’s decision to purchase and install a bike rack.  Several trustees suggested removing a small section of the perennial bed and the grass between it and the rhododendron and pouring a concrete slab on which to set the rack.

The next meeting was set for Monday, April 2nd, 2018 at 5:30 PM.

Richard put forth a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dick, at 6:45 PM.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann McEntee
