Trustee Minutes – September 15, 2020

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
15 September 2020

Present via electronic meeting: Robin Marra, Beth Lorenz, Brian Doerpholz and Library Director, Kate Thomas.

The Chair of the Board of Trustees has concluded that an emergency has necessitated the meeting be held electronically. The emergency has been determined to exist due to the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by the physical attendance of the Trustees. An electronic notice of the meeting was posted on the Fitzwilliam Library website as well as the Facebook page, with instructions for the public to join the meeting, if interested.

Robin Marra called the meeting to order at 5:49 p.m.

The Trustees discussed the computer usage moving forward starting on September 15, 2020. Patrons aged 18 years old and older will be allowed to use the computers. There will no gaming allowed at this time. Exceptions may be granted by the librarian on duty. The motion for approval was made by Brian Doerpholz and seconded by Beth Lorenz. The motion was passed with affirmative votes, received by voice roll call, from Robin Marra, Brian Doerpholz and Beth Lorenz.

The Trustees discussed the face mask rules moving forward starting on September 15, 2020. Patrons aged 6 years old and older will continue to be required to wear protective face masks while inside the library. The motion for approval was made by Brian Doerpholz and seconded by Robin Marra. The motion was passed with affirmative votes, received by voice roll call, from Robin Marra, Brian Doerpholz and Beth Lorenz

The Trustees discussed restroom usage moving forward starting on September 15, 2020. The restroom will be available during Storytime only at this time. A future date to open the restroom to all upon request with the librarian on duty is still to be determined. There will be disinfectant available in the restroom and it is recommended that patrons disinfect the restroom before or after use. The motion for approval was made by Robin Marra and seconded by Beth Lorenz. The motion was passed with affirmative votes, received by voice roll call, from Robin Marra, Brian Doerpholz and Beth Lorenz

Respectively submitted

Beth Lorenz
