Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
3 August 2020
Present via electronic meeting: Dick Goettle, Beth Lorenz, Robin Marra, Patricia Toomey, Brian Doerpholz and Library Director, Kate Thomas.
The Chair of the Board of Trustees has concluded that an emergency has necessitated the meeting be held electronically. The emergency has been determined to exist due to the risk of exposure to COVID-19 by the physical attendance of the Trustees. An electronic notice of the meeting was posted on the Fitzwilliam Library website as well as the Facebook page, with instructions for the public to join the meeting, if interested.
Robin Marra called the meeting to order at 5:46 p.m.
The minutes of the July 6th meeting were reviewed. As no corrections were needed, Brian Doerpholz made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Motion was seconded by Beth Lorenz and approved by voice roll call from Robin Marra, Beth Lorenz, Trish Toomey, Brian Doerpholz and Dick Goettle. The minutes of the July 14th meeting, to discuss the acceptance of the single contractor bid by the Board of Selectman, were reviewed. One correction was needed to correct the spelling of Robin Marra’s last name. Upon that correction being made, Brian Doerpholz put forth a motion, seconded by Dick Goettle, to approve the minutes. The motion was passed with affirmative votes, received by voice roll call from Robin Marra, Beth Lorenz, Trish Toomey, Biran Doerpholz and Dick Goettle.
The Trustees reviewed the Library Manifest and Spending-to-Date Expense Report and will arrange with Kate to go to the Library to sign them. Dick Goettle noticed a discrepancy of where funds were allocated. $50 was moved from the Part-time allocation to the correct allocation of Groundskeeping.
Kate Thomas presented her monthly report. Circulation for August was 1695, down 38% from last year. 23 live programs and 8 virtual programs were held with a total attendance of 338. Patron attendance in the building for July was 714. There continues to be a hands-free sanitizing station at the front door and a plexiglass screen at the check-out desk and mandatory face covering requirement.
A proposal to hire Cindi Beede for additional deep cleaning for up to 4 hours per week at $25 per hour for the remainder of the 2020 calendar year was motioned for approval by Dick Goettle, seconded by Trish Toomey. The motion was passed with affirmative votes, received by voice roll call, from Robin Marra, Beth Lorenz, Trish Toomey, Brian Doerpholz and Dick Goettle.
After discussion on how to allow groups inside the building in a manner safe to all participants, particularly regarding pre-school aged children, it was decided that the library will continue to monitor state and school decisions and mandates and address it at the next meeting.
Robin Marra notified the board that upon further discussion with the state librarian, the proposed Bylaws be updated and approved to strike “filed with the state librarian” as the state librarian stated the mandate to do so was in error.
Recruiting/Outreach for a Trustee, Treasurer and additional Alternate Trustee(s) was discussed. It was decided that there would be better results with direct contact with prospective candidates and such candidates would be contacted. Kate will take care of that.
Under New Business, all present approved the Art Show policy be updated with no changes other than the date of submission. Since not all members of the Board of Trustees were able to be present, Dick Goettle suggested that we table the Investment Policy for the September meeting.
There was a brief discussion on starting the process for assessing a current 5-year plan and preparing for 2022-2026. We will begin constructing details and deadlines for the next 5-year planning committee.
As there was no additional business to be discussed, the next meeting is tentatively scheduled to be held on Tuesday, September 1st, at 5:45 p.m. and will depend upon what direction the schools will be moving in. The Chair will determine whether that meeting will be held electronically if the virus situation warrants.
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Dick Goettle at 7:20 p.m. and seconded by Beth Lorenz. The motion was passed with affirmative votes, received by voice roll call, from Robin Marra, Beth Lorenz, Trish Toomey, Brian Doerpholz and Dick Goettle.
Respectively submitted
Beth Lorenz