Trustee Minutes – October 7, 2019

Minutes of the Meeting
Fitzwilliam Town Library Board of Trustees
7 October 2019

Present: Dick Goettle, Beth Lorenz, Ann McEntee, Trish Toomey, Pam Troccia, Susan Curtin (alternate) and Library Director Kate Thomas

Beth Lorenz called the meeting to order at 5:45 PM in the Quick Meeting Room of the Library.

The Trustees reviewed and signed the Library Manifest and Spending-to-Date Expense Report.

The minutes of the September 9th meeting were reviewed; Pam Troccia put forth a motion, seconded by Ann McEntee, to approve them with minor corrections. Motion passed.

Dick Goettle led the discussion about proposed capital improvement projects. Replacing the dilapidated fence was first discussed. Dick asked for the names and contact information of fence contractors; he stated that he would meet with them at the library to procure bids. Kate Thomas suggested that we seek matching funding from the State of New Hampshire Moose Plate Grant Program (application deadline in late winter or spring). The Trustees agreed that the work needed on the north side of the library must be a top priority. Scope of services includes replacement of bulkhead door, rotting door frame and clapboards, gutter removal, installation of rain diverter, painting of the new door frame and clapboard, and pruning of tree limbs that hang over the roof of the building. It was agreed that the Trustees will meet again on Wednesday, October 16th at 5:45 PM to review final proposals for the Capital Improvement funding prior to their submission to the Budget Committee.

Kate presented her monthly report: Meredith Fournier continues to grow into her job as assistant librarian; her children’s programming proves to be a success with 28 children attending after-school programs regularly. Seventeen programs brought in 144 patrons during the month of September. The NH State Library Overdrive program has begun to use 14-digit barcodes, which requires the issuing of new library cards; Kate will purchase 1,000 cards with funds from General Supplies. Upcoming programs include an Introduction to Simple Embroidery Stitches (October 23, Kate Thomas, facilitator) and the Recreation Department’s Spooktacular events staged on the library lawn (Meredith and the Friends will host a craft project during the festivities).

A discussion about the logo mock-up ensued during which Trustees offered a number of small suggestions. Kate will forward those comments to Coni Porter. A follow-up meeting with Coni was mentioned, but no date set.

Trish Toomey and Beth stated that they would be meeting shortly to begin discussing how to display the Locke Collection. Ann stated that she had attempted to contact Scott Rodolitz, the appraiser who had offered to help with the disposition of the Collection; his contact information has been forwarded to Beth for future attempts to secure his services. It was agreed that a small amount of money be set aside in the 2020 budget for costs associated with displaying the Collection.

Kate reported that the Library and the Friends will divide the cost of the monthly Newsletter announcement page through the rest of 2019.

The Trustees reviewed the Public Use Internet and Volunteer Policies. Ann made a motion to approve both policies (to be dated “September 2019”). Beth seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

The next Trustee meeting has been scheduled for Monday, November 4th @ 5:45 PM.

Beth put forth a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ann. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann M. McEntee
