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Let’s Play Cribbage!

Every 4th Monday at 6pm

Becoming Wolf: The Eastern Coyote in New England with Chris Schadler

Wed, Mar. 26 at 7pm

Learn about the ecology and behavior of the coyote, and how it is the human who must adapt to live with this creature. The eastern wolf, which is returning to the area, may change the coyote’s way of life. We will talk about how the wolf and coyote might negotiate a truce in the northeast, and how we might do the same.

More Details to Follow

We will be starting a seed library in the month of April! If you have any seeds that you would like to donate, please drop them off at the circulation desk. Specific details will be announced soon. We are so excited to offer this opportunity to our patrons!

Home Delivery – Available on a Trial Basis

Are you homebound (long or short term) and can’t get to the Library? We are trying a new program to deliver books once every other week (on Thursdays) to those who cannot access our collection. Call (603-585-6503) or email us (info@fitzlib.org) for more information.

Pre-K Storytime

Join us for Pre-K Storytime every Wednesday at 10:30! Storytime is a beneficial way for children to socialize (parents too!) while gaining literary proficiency and learning new skills. Children who are read to are statistically proven to do better in school. Give your child a jumpstart on success in life!

Big Kid (K-2) Storytime

Tuesdays 3:45 to 4:45 (after school)

Big Kid Storytime (for grades K-2) continues. We will be eating a snack, reading, and playing a game or creating a craft. Registration required! Call (603-585-6503) or email us (info@fitzlib.org) to sign up.

Wednesday Afternoons at the Library for Grades 1-6

3:45 to 4:45 (after school)

Wednesday Afternoons at the Library (for grades 1-6) are happening every Wednesday from 3:45 to 4:45. Kids can take the bus from Emerson School. Come enjoy a snack and make a craft! Registration required! Call (603-585-6503) or email us (info@fitzlib.org) to sign up. Next Wed, Mar. 26, we will be making grassheads!

Stitch and Bitch with Kate

Every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6pm

Whether you stitch, sew, embroider, crochet, like to color or prefer to just socialize, come join friends who like to craft and chat!

Coffee Hour

Saturday Mornings at 10am

Enjoy coffee, conversation, and a freshly baked treat with neighbors.

Book Club – Monday, Apr. 7 at 7pm


by Percival Everett

Books available

“Percival Everett [is] our current Great American Novelist. . . [JAMES] is a masterpiece that will help redefine one of the classics of American literature, while also being a major achievement on its own. . . I almost cannot imagine a future where teachers assign The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn without also assigning James alongside it. . . Everett is one of the most, if not the most interesting writers working today.”

The Chicago Tribune

ALA Grant update:

In May of 2023, The Fitzwilliam Town Library was honored to receive a special grant from the American Library Association in the amount of $10,000. The funds have given us the opportunity to make purchases and adjustments in order to provide a more accessible library to all patrons. Changes made were based on community suggestions for improved accessibility during the summer of 2023, when a community forum was held:

  • The purchase and installation of two sets of automatic door openers at the main patron entrance
  • Stable stools for the children’s section as seating and access to resources
  • Comfortable and over-sized upholstered chairs with device charging capacity
  • Colorful carpet squares (defined seating) for children’s programming
  • A second book return to be installed/located closer to the Library’s parking area and handicapped parking spaces (purchased with installation in progress)

Recently, the Library distributed a patron survey to assess perceptions of how essential/useful these improvements are The results were extremely positive!

Pioneer Valley Symphony Library Passes

3-D Printer

Now patrons can use our 3-D printer for projects. Check out https://www.thingiverse.com/ for free project files. Then schedule a time with us to get your files ready to print. 

New to our Library of Things
Hand Free Magnifier

This hands free magnifier allows users to have both hands free while getting the clearest view of the magnified object. It’s a suitable feature for those who are into sewing, crafting, reading books, and doing tiny electronic repairs but need a visual aid for making objects bigger and totally high definition. Check one out!

Fitzwilliam History and Information Page

There is a whole new page on the Fitzwilliam Library website (http://fitzlib.org) featuring Fitzwilliam-specific history and resources. You can find it under the 24HOUR-LIBRARY tab. Information will be updated regularly. Check it out!

Booklist Reader: Find it under 24-Hour Library above!

Click on the image to access this great free resource for all book lovers. 

Booklist, the review publication of the American Library Association, proudly announces the launch of Booklist Reader, a new digital library patron–facing magazine featuring diverse readers’ advisory recommendations for readers of all ages.

Each month, Booklist Reader will showcase top-10 lists, must reads, interviews with (and articles by) top authors and illustrators, and adult, youth, and audio recommendations for all communities and all who love to read. Booklist Reader is also partnering with LibraryReads, an organization that each month publishes a list of the top 10 books read by library workers across the nation.

Continued Support for Library Programming!

Town Library while making everyday purchases on Amazon. Use the link below when shopping. Part of the proceeds will go to the Friends who fund books, programs and more for the Library.


Staff Book Recommendations

Kate recommends…

Old Filth

by Jane Gardam

“Excellent and compulsively readable… Old Filth belongs in the Dickensian pantheon of memorable characters.”

— The New York Times Book Review

Veronika recommends

The Only Woman in the Room

by Marie Benedict

“Benedict’s compelling fictionalized biography pays tribute to the overlooked scientific contributions and the hidden depths of a… beloved movie star of superior intelligence… through an irresistible combination of Hollywood glamour and international intrigue.”

— Booklist

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